Why choose to partner with Dakco?
The top concern in our mind is “What can we do to support you with better services?”
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Marketing Guide
We strongly believe in the power and spirit of mutual cooperation and collaboration. We have much to offer to back you up, like exclusive distributorship authorization and exclusive products for your marketing regions and professional guidance to you to expand and promote your business operation based on your situations.
Fast Delivery
We have a large amount of inventory in our factory, as well as highly professional freight services for immediate business needs. We are committed to the fastest delivery of products. For example, if you are in the USA, we are always ready to provide delivery services from our local warehouse immediately.
Lower TCO
Our goal is to offer our customers good-quality products with the most reasonable prices. Thus, lower TCO is achieved and maintained with our rich experience and extensive expertise. This explicitly demonstrates the competitive edge of our products.
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We would love to hear from you.

Need good-quality LED displays for your projects? Interested in becoming one of our distributors? In need of technical supports to better serve the customers? Want to learn more about our products & services? Please hesitate no more and contact Dakco via the link below!

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